Learning Programs
Your Profit Growth Journey Begins Here !
Cyber Growth Journey

Business Level Programs
Cyber Growth Blueprint

Program Fee : $ 139 Includes BONUS courses 1 to 5
Digital Mastery Scorecard Bonus 1
Program Description
The Digital Mastery Scorecard is the Tool that helps you to evaluate your Readiness to adopt the Digital Transformation of your Business and gives you a Scorecard which acts as a litmus paper test.
This will be an introduction to the profit doubling journey and will at the end of the video encourage you to take a self assessment of your Technology Index. We will also be able to understand your key pain areas and suggest solutions.
This process can be repeated every 6 months to evaluate the progress of your Digital expertise and that of your organisation.

Program Fee : FREE BONUS with Cyber Growth Blue Print
Cyber Tools Swiss Knife Bonus Course 2
Program Description
The Cyber Tools Swiss Knife program equips you to elevate your personal Digital Working Capability. These tools are easy to use and basic versions are Free. They take care of the Function of converting your thoughts and Ideas to manageable Digital Notes. Add web references, Pictures Videos, Voice notes and hand written notes to the digital library. This information can then be shared and sync’d with your colleagues and collaborators.
The Program also covers efficient management of your Tasks, Calendaring of events and meetings, and Messaging. It is very essential that majority of your personal information is completely digitised before your Business is automated. Hence we have included this in the Cyber Growth Blueprint course as a Bonus to that you can start practicing these before taking up the Cyber Growth Challenge Program

Program Fee : FREE BONUS with Cyber Growth Blue Print
Setting Cyber Basecamp Bonus Course 3
Program Description
Establishing your presence Online and deriving the benefits of the outreach and connect is the core objective of the Setting Cyber Basecamp program. It’s a starter program for the Entrepreneur who are new to this Domain but will like to `
The Program also covers efficient management of your Tasks, Calendaring of events and meetings, and Messaging. It is very essential that majority of your personal information is completely digitised before your Business is automated. Hence we have included this in the Cyber Growth Blueprint course as a Bonus to that you can start practicing these before taking up the Cyber Growth Challenge Program

Program Fee : FREE BONUS with Cyber Growth Blue Print
Communications for the Distanced World Bonus Course 4
Program Description
In the past 6 months we have seen the entire world getting distanced due to the pandemic and in this situation it is imperative that the businesses maintain a close contact with their customers and suppliers and ecosystem. This is possible only through and effective video conferencing and collaboration system.
This Course covers the fundamentals of video collaboration and tips and tricks to be used to effectively use video collaboration as a means to grow your business and stay in touch with the people who have been distanced because of the current situation.

Program Fee : FREE BONUS with Cyber Growth Blue Print
Program Fee : FREE BONUS with Cyber Growth Blue Print
First Level Membership
Cyber Growth Challenge
Program Description
The Cyber Growth Challenge Program will guide you through the implementation process of Cyber Growth with an objective to double your profit.
The course is build in progression with the Cyber Growth Blueprint Course which is a pre-requisite for this course. The first section of the course will discuss the objectives and the Tools required to setup your Business Objectives and Growth Targets and set up the framework for the 6 step process that is the backbone of the Cyber Growth Strategy. In the subsequent sections the key areas covered are:
Tools for Organizing Yourself
- Cloudifying your Business
- Setting the Marketing systems
- Setting up the Sales organization
- Business Automation
- People Management
- Business Monitoring
- Setting The Autopilot

Program Fee : $ 299 Includes BONUS courses 1 to 5
Cyber Business Plan Bonus Course 1
Program Description
The Cyber Business Plan module will help you to create a structured business plan based on your current business status and the inputs you have received in the Cyber Growth Blueprint and the Cyber Growth Challenge.
Using this methodology and the templates which have been included in this program you will be able to Create a draft plan fairly quickly and the same then can be discussed and Refined with the Cyber Alchemist team in the weekly clarification calls and will be reviewed during the Quarterly business update reviews.
You can also enrol for One to One private session with the Cyber Alchemist and engage a detail consulting assignment whereby the team can be with you on a continual basis to help you to achieve the business goals.

Program Fee : FREE BONUS with Cyber Growth Challenge
Customer Relationship Management Bonus Course 2
Program Description
A Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) is very critical for any business to increase its stickiness and manage relationships with their clients, Suppliers and Members of the Ecosystem. The CRM assists the business in capturing all the operations information with these entities and help the business to streamline the Entire sales process.
CRM is also are an important tool for the Sales team led by the Head of the Department who can guide and direct them for the effective sales process while maintaining on going relationships with the client. These are the Objectives of this bonus package which has been crafted to explain the setting up of the CRM system. Initially you can you start with a Free CRM system which is available as a public domain software with limited users and investment. Once once your confident of the CRM’s utilisation you can implement an enhanced System based on your budget.

Program Fee : FREE BONUS with Cyber Growth Challenge
Employee Induction Program Bonus Course 3
Program Description
Any business is as good as its employees. As you embark on the business transformation process during the Cyber Growth Challenge you will have to take all your employees along with you and make them understand the benefits of enablement and going digital. This has to be done in a staged manner with the senior most of them starting first with the rest following.
This requires an elaborate induction process. This is as if you are re-recruiting the team in an internal process and taking them through and induction program. This module would help you to set up this induction program and then for the set up the teams on going training and development program which will keep these employees on track and motivated for them to use the modern software and inculcate digital habits.

Program Fee : FREE BONUS with Cyber Growth Challenge
Facebook Business Manager Bonus Course 4
Program Description
Facebook Business Manager is a single dashboard to manage your digital marketing management though Facebook.
If you’re not using Facebook’s Business Manager you are missing out on multiple valuable marketing opportunities. While Business Manager is essential for agencies, it also has numerous benefits for businesses of all sizes that can improve the efficacy of your marketing or offer new features with new capabilities.
Simply put, Facebook’s Business Manager is now a fully native tool available to all Pages. It can be used to manage your ads, your Pages, connect with agencies (or, if you’re an agency, connect to clients), and take advantage of in-depth features like setting up your pixels or adjusting custom attribution windows for your Facebook Ads. Here, you can also manage billing, review brand safety concerns, manage events, create product catalogs, and store images and videos for your Pages.

Program Fee : FREE BONUS with Cyber Growth Challenge
Bonus course 5 - Top 10 Tools for Business


